시놀로지 DSM 5.1-5055.1에 대한 XPEnoboot 대응 버전 릴리즈

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DSM 5.1-5055.1 릴리즈 정보

Version : 5.1-5055


What’s New

  1. This update includes all bug fixes as well as security fixes in the previously released critical updates since DSM 5.1-5022.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where some services could not function normally after applying or removing Link Aggregation settings when the system also serves as a DHCP server.
  2. Upgraded ppp to 2.4.7.
  3. Fixed an issue where some information in the log in Log Center could not display correctly.
  4. Fixed a vulnerability related to GnuTLS (CVE-2015-0294).
  5. Fixed an issue where some packages would be disabled after DSM update. This fix will take effect in the next DSM update.
  6. Enhanced stability when creating a High Availability cluster.
  7. Upgraded Apache to 2.2.29 to address multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2013-5704, CVE-2014-0118, CVE-2014-0226 and CVE-2014-0231).
  8. Upgraded PHP to 5.5.2 to address two vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-0235 and CVE-2015-0273).
  9. Minor bug fixes.

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